Whether you are purchasing a house, selling your home or acquiring a commercial building, real estate transactions occur on a daily basis in Florida. These are major transactions carried out through selling or purchasing agreements. There are many steps in the process, and errors could enter it. Real estate transactions are contracts between a buyer and a seller, and if there is a breach in this contract a real estate dispute could arise.
At our law firm, we understand the dynamics and complexities that are involved in real estate transactions. We are dedicated to helping individuals in the Fort Lauderdale area who are dealing with disputes arising from a pending real estate transaction.
Contracts regarding a real estate transaction specify the terms of the sale while also detailing the real estate that is subject to the agreement. In addition, these contract also reference how any disputes will be resolved, even indicating who will bear financial responsibility if a property is deemed defective or there are losses based on misrepresentation, fraud or breach. Our law firm is well-versed in real estate law, understanding how to prove the terms agreed in a contract, with the goal of helping our clients achieve a favorable outcome. Whether you are seeking to prove unfavorable terms in a real estate contract, are seeking specific performance on the contract or are attempting to collect damages suffered by a breach, we are prepared to take any and all reasonable steps to ensure your interests and goals are protected and met.
To learn more, please visit our law firm’s real estate dispute website. Entering a real estate contract is often an exciting endeavor. Many people do not anticipate encountering problems. However, contracts are not perfect and breaches could occur. It is important that parties to a real estate contract understand their rights and what they can do to protect them during a real estate dispute.